Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The Impact of New/Digital Media past paper questions

Here are the past paper questions for your upcoming exam! Your case study should allow you to answer any of the following questions in depth.
The Impact of New/Digital Media

1.      Developments in new/digital media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered by these developments?
2.      Why and with what success are traditional media institutions adapting to the challenge posed by new/digital media?
3.      New and digital media offers media institutions different ways of reaching audiences.
Consider how and why media institutions are using these techniques.
4.      ‘To connect, to create, to share creativity or thought, to discuss, to collaborate, to form groups or to combine with others in mutual interests or passions. If you can’t see the point of any of those things, you will not see the point of Facebook.’  ( What opportunities and/or disadvantages do new and digital media have for audiences?
5.      How has new/digital media changed the ways in which information reaches audiences and what are the implications?
6.      ‘New and digital media erodes the dividing line between reporters and reported, between active producers and passive audiences: people are enabled to speak for themselves.’ ( Have such developments made the media more democratic, with more equal participation by more people?
7.      Digital media have, in many ways, changed how we consume media products. Who do you think benefits most, audiences or producers?
8.  'Media Institutions are right to feel threatened by new/digital media'.Consider this statement and show how media institutions are reacting to technological developments.
9.  Although new and digital media may promise audiences more freedom, it does not necessarily give them more power. Discuss.
10.  New and digital media is creating one global culture. Do you think that this is true?
       11. The only way to survive in the digital world is to keep innovating. Do you agree?
        12. Most of the traditional media’s attempts to compete with new and digital media have been too little and too late. Does your case study support this view?
13.  The internet is a democratic space, where we are all free to participate equally.
Using your own case study, discuss whether the impact of new and digital media is democratic.
14.  New and digital media offer a wide range of competing ideas and opinions from experts and journalists to bloggers and social networkers, making it harder for audiences to know who to trust. In such an environment, how does the audience know who to trust?

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