Thursday, 19 December 2013

New/digital media case studies

Here are the case studies you have chosen:

The future of the games console
A study into how new technology is affecting gaming and how this impacts on the audiences who buy/play the games. As games become more real and interactive, do we become dangerously involved in their narratives? Audience theories are useful here!

Has the internet helped or hindered feminist causes? Has it not created more opportunities for stalking, objectifying and criticizing women? Or is it used to provide freedom of speech and to promote feminist causes?

The impact of Facebook on our lives
A study into how people use Facebook in positive and potentially negative ways. Could look at Facebook campaigns, scams etc as well as controversies over privacy, control and the power and influence it has as a website. Remember to look at how it makes money and how the adverts we see are tailored to our ‘needs’.

Content is generated by users however this has caused problems with copyright laws. Youtube is owned by Google so who really benefits from the site’s popularity? Look at 'prosumers'.

The music industry
The internet had created ways for musicians to promote themselves and for some it is the reason they gained fame in the first place. Look at ways artists have used digital media to promote themselves.

 Advertising and branding
A study into how companies use new/digital media in innovative ways to promote brands and products. You could consider how adverts are now tailored to individual users. Is this a form of censorship? Do you see the same version of the internet as everyone else?

 Mobile Phone Technology and Convergence
Look at the future of mobile phones – how have we changed the way we use them from just being calling/texting devices. In the future your phone could become your wallet, with new technology which will allow you to use it as a payment card.

 Apple – the iPod, iPhone and iPad
This brand has been responsible for many innovative products – they have made technology fashionable, functional and above all something which makes a statement about the owner of the device. You could look at the functions of their most iconic products and how they are changing the way we live.

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