Sunday, 1 December 2013

MEST 1 MOCK EXAM: 7th January - A few tips and reminders

Here are a few little reminders about the exam and what it will be asking you to do. More coming on the blog soon!

Section A
  • It's going to be a moving image text - so get yourself onto YouTube and practise analysing lots of TV adverts, opening sequences, trailers and general viral clips. 
  • Remember you will get to watch the clip 3 times with a 5 minute note-taking interval after the first and second showing. Once the third clip ends, start writing your answer to the first question. You will be allowed to read the questions before the clip is shown.

    Media Forms - 15 minutes

    • Use media terminology. A revision sheet can be found by clicking this link.
    •  Make sure you answer the question. You will probably be asked to explain how the media forms create a particular effect. Always explain the effect of each camera shot or use of sound you mention.

        Media Institution - 15 minutes
        • Here you will probably need to discuss branding or image.
        • Remember to use the background information printed in the exam paper to help you answer this one.
        • Make clear connections between the media language used and the institution represented.

          Media Representation - 15 minutes

          • Again, try to link the media language used with the resulting representation.

          Media Audiences - 15 minutes

          • Make sure you can define audiences specifically and accurately - revise the National Readership Survey classification (ABC1C2D) 
          • Make connections between the media language used and the audience targeted.
          • Bring in relevant audience theory if you can. 

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