Monday, 17 September 2012

Theory: Feminism

As a perspective for looking at media texts, feminists would see most media output as being the product of a patriarchal or male dominated order aimed at disempowering women.

Feminism was the response to society’s assumptions that women should be subservient to men. Until the emergence of feminism women were treated almost as objects, passive agents in a male world.

The roots of the feminist movement extend to the eighteenth century but run through the Suffragette movement which fought for the vote for women in the early part of the twentieth century and the land girls and other women who moved into many male occupations during the Second World War.

The waves of feminism
First Wave – early 1900s – political/social
Second Wave – 1960s-70s – equal rights at work, abortion rights…
Third Wave – 1980s – tackling negative stereotypes, pressure on female body image etc
Post feminism – celebrates idea of powerful woman – no need for movements

Below are a few print adverts we looked at. Don't forget to be looking at the media critically from now onwards!

Have a look at the video below for a good explanation on Feminism and the way women are often presented in the media. 

Have any of you seen any adverts or found any good examples recently where feminist theory could be applied?
of both patriarchy aHasnd citalism 

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