Monday, 4 November 2013

MEST2 Coursework research

I don't see you now until 11th November so you need to be doing plenty of work at home to cover the lessons we don't have. Make sure you print it all off and put it into your folder so I can check where you are up to. This is what you should have done by the time I see you on 11th November:
  • Analysis of three existing products similar to those you will make e.g. three magazine interviews/ full page adverts and a promotional video
  • Print piece in music press - you need to look in a magazine which is appropriate for the genre you have chosen e.g Rock = NME or Kerrang
  • Two page interview in magazine - you can do any magazine here which reaches more than just a youth-based audience. Your band can do an interview for the Sunday Times supplement even if they are a rock band - you just follow the conventions of that particular magazine and adapt your style to suit it.
  • Look for the codes and conventions being used
  • Present analysis as bullet points or a table and annotate screen shots (think about the examples we have looked at in class - try to get coloured screen shots as this looks better!)
  • Use the key concepts in your analysis MIGRAIN
  • Collect style models - photography examples, fonts you might use - looks for things which are typical of the established genre you have chosen.
  • Moving image - watch a promotional video for a band that has been posted on their website. Take screen shots of it and annotate it. This is better done on computer so that you can fit all of your writing in. Make sure you use media terminology - diegetic and non-diegetic sound, specific camera angles and cuts etc.
If you need any colour photcopying doing then see me or get it done in the sixth form area please. I will be looking at all of this with you next lesson so make sure it is printed and ready in your folders! Neat work only! If your work is not good enough then you will be doing it again.

Images borrowed from this blog - thank you to Lauren. Y12 - you might learn plenty from reading her blog!

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