Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Easter Revision

Hope the Easter revision is going well - or that you at least have a plan to get revising soon - the exams will come around really quickly after the holidays.

Thought I'd put the task I've set you up here, mainly for the absentees on Friday.

I want you to produce a 45 minute response to the following question using your music case study:

'Audiences are becoming increasingly powerful in shaping media output.'

With reference to your case study, how far is this true?

- evaluate the roles of audiences in the creation of media products from your case study

- refer to examples from all three media platforms

The notes I gave you in class are here.

In addition, we looked at the following examples:
- use of 'FanCam' at o2 Faithless gig. Fans in different locations in the arena were given cameras to film the gig. The footage was then edited and the resulting music video was uploaded to YouTube.

- o2 Academy TV (check out the YouTube channel). Fans get to star in own music videos, submit questions for interviews with artists, and upload own 'FanCam' footage. Lots of power in hands of audience here.

Remember that you need to make your answer individual, do your own research so that you can prove you haven't just relied on the information I've given you.

When you've written it - use it! Reduce the key points onto revision cards and learn them. Test yourself on how many points you can make under each platform.

Happy Easter!
Ms Campbell

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