Thursday, 8 May 2014

A few moving image texts to analyse before the exam!

First off, John Lewis. We know how much Year 13 love John Lewis and the new advert definitely hasn't let us down. It's almost like a mini film and really creates a sense of nostalgia. Notice how John Lewis never reveal who the advertisement is for until the very end!

'For 150 years you've never stood still'

Year 12 exam style questions:
Media Institutions
What brand values are communicated about John Lewis?
(12 marks)
Media Forms
How are editing and sound used in the sequence to structure the narrative?
(12 marks)
Media Representations
How is family life represented in the sequence?
(12 marks)
Media Audiences
How does the advert target the audience?
(12 marks)
Year 13 exam style questions:
How does John Lewis create a strong brand identity in these print and online products? (8 marks)
How is the representation of family life constructed to appeal to the audience?
You may also refer to other media products to support your answer.
(12 marks)
Is the media able to challenge traditional representations of femininity? You should refer to other media products to support your answer. (12 marks)

My personal favourite, Spotify! 'Power to music lovers'

Year 12 exam style questions:
Media Institutions
What is suggested about Spotify through this advert?
(12 marks)
Media Forms
How are sound and editing used to engage the audience?
(12 marks)
Media Representations
How are stereotypes subverted through the Spotify advert?
(12 marks)
Media Audiences
How do Spotify and Vodafone seek to appeal to their target audience(s)?
(12 marks)
Year 13 exam style questions:

How do Spotify and Vodafone seek to engage an existing audience and appeal to new audiences?  (8 marks)
How is the representation of the elderly constructed to appeal to the audience?
You may also refer to other media products to support your answer.
(12 marks)
How important is it for producers to have a multi-platform presence?
You should refer to other media products to support your answer.
(12 marks)

Iphone 5s 'You're more powerful than you think'

 All of you to analyse:

How many different ways does the advert suggest the Iphone 5S could improve your life?
How do sound and editing convey the idea that an Iphone 5s is necessary to have?
How are Apple's brand values communicated?
Keep checking the blog and twitter for exam tips. Good luck with revision!